Welcome to Impact 2020
Impact took place on October 2020 online.
Here you'll find all videos and resources you need to run and take part in this programme with your church youth group.
Before you start TaskMasters your youth leader should give you everything you need to join in, including any meeting times or Zoom links
and TaskMasters booklets.
There are only 4 sessions, which you can do over a weekend, or on separate weeks, leaving space to get on with the fun challenges and tasks we've got set for you.
Each session together will involve:
An all together meeting or Zoom call, which can include some quick fire tasks;
A YouTube video message (which you can find on this page, below);
And Group discussion time using your 'TaskMasters' booklets
Here are suggested timings for running TaskMasters over a weekend:
Friday Evening 7:00-8:30pm - Session 1 - 'TaskMasters'
Saturday Morning 9:30-11:00am - Session 2 - 'Divine Intervention'
Saturday Evening 7:00-8:30pm - Session 3 - 'The Great Escape'
Sunday Morning 10:00-11:30am - Session 4 - 'Sabbath as Resistance'
Welcome Video &
Opening Tasks
7:00pm -Zooming!
(Your youth leader should give you a link) -
Build a shelter (indoors or outdoors) to sleep in tonight. Be as creative as you can, points will be awarded for creativity and ingenuity. Submit photos and videos.
Session 1 - 'Taskmasters'
Bonus Task!
Creative Rice Crispy Cakes
We're missing all the delicious food at Impact this year, so why not bring the taste of Impact to your kitchen?
The Task - shape your rice crispy cake mixture in to the most interesting way you can!! You can complete this task anytime over the weekend or beyond. However, points will be awarded if you submit your photos to us by Sunday mid morning.
Instructions: Melt marshmallow with a bit of butter and stir in rice crispies until you get a very gooey malleable mixture. Once you’ve made the mixture add whatever extra treats you want - melted chocolate 🤤, smarties, sprinkles or even the tears of a unicorn 🦄 and start shaping!
Session 2 - 'Divine Intervention'
Saturday Daytime Tasks
Create a Domino Effect Rally
Using whatever materials you like, create a domino effect (or 'chain reaction') type video. You must incorporate your ping pong ball in at least part of our course. Film your course in action. Submit your videos or photos to us through the links provided on our webpage. If sharing on instagram follow and tag 'nwba youth'.
Wellbeing Challenge
Take a walk for at least 30 minutes (with a friend is ok), switch off your phone, no headphones or social media and think about these questions:
- What are the things in life that I'm a slave to?
- How can I be free from the things that 'enslave' me?
- What might God want to say to you about those things?
Session 3 - 'The Great Escape'
Saturday Night Tasks
This evening watch the film The Prince of Egypt. If you don't already own the film, you could try finding it on Netflix or YouTube, or perhaps someone with a Netflix subscription might invite you to a 'Netflix party'
We also want you to create a character, backstory and decorate your ping pong ball, you can use any material you want, but you must use the feathers we provided you with.
A Sunday Morning Message from the Taskmaster
Session 4 - 'Sabbath as Resistance'
Your Final Task
Observe Sabbath Rest!
Enjoy your Sunday... it's been great to share the weekend with you all!
Your Completed Tasks - Great Job Everybody!